*Disclaimer: I was compensated for my honest opinion on this product. For more information, please visit my disclaimer page.
I work a lot. Probably more than I should. I think at last count it was something like 55-65 hours a week between my “part time” job and my business. And every so often Chan gets sick and it throws my world into chaos. Now we are in the thick of cold and flu season and it also happens to be at my busiest time of year. So I’m praying she doesn’t get sick or I feel like the walls of my work fortress will come tumbling down.

I realize I can never completely control whether Channing gets sick or not, but I can try to keep it at bay as much as possible. If only we could wrap them in a bubble! Kidding of course. I’m pretty vigilant about hand washing this time of year, and using anti-bacterial gel but there’s another step I’m adding to my list so that I don’t have to miss work, and she doesn’t have to miss school for a sick day.

I’m so thrilled to partner with Lysol on their One Less Sick Day initiative. Did you know each year, more than 38 million school days are missed by students? Last year there was a record-breaking 900,000 hospitalizations because of the flu. That’s an astounding number! This school year, Lysol is helping schools and families across the country help prevent the spread of cold and flu to keep kids in the classroom and to achieve One Less Sick Day by providing the right tools to parents and teachers. Hallelujah!

We don’t have full time child care so when Chan is sick I end up juggling, moving, rescheduling and missing deadlines. Chris’s work is somewhat flexible, but he has a more regular 9 to 5 job and can’t take off work. So we end up taking a sick day ourselves or paying a crazy amount of money for last-minute child care. But even more frustrating than that, she misses school. Right now she is learning the foundations of reading, math and science and to miss a day or two can put her behind.

What can we as parents do about it? Using Lysol Disinfectant Spray kills 99.9% of the viruses and bacteria your family comes in contact with every day and can be used to eliminate germs on commonly touched hard and soft surfaces. That means wiping down every day items like the TV remote, your phone, sink handles and door handles can make a big difference. You don’t have to clean every day because Lord knows I don’t. But using Lysol when you clean can be a huge help in preventing illness.

And to keep parents more informed on illnesses going around their child’s school and allow them to act sooner, Lysol is also partnering with smart thermometer company, Kinsa. Lysol and Kinsa will equip more than 10,000 schools across the country with free Kinsa smart thermometers and Lysol sanitizing products to help protect against viruses and bacteria.
For more information on Lysol and how you can have One Less Sick Day, visit lysol.com/healthy-classroom/.