Thank you for visiting Motherhood in Hollywood!  Let’s take care of some business while you’re here.


PRODUCT ENDORSEMENT DISCLAIMER: Some of the links on this site are affiliate links. If you click them and then purchase from that company, I will receive a small commission. That commission is used to pay for this site. You would never pay more for for the product, the commission comes from the regular retail price. By using my affiliate links, it’s like you’re leaving MIH a tip. I greatly appreciate it as it encourages me to crank out more awesome shows and content. I only feature products that I either already own or genuinely like, advertising is never part of my content decisions. On the occasion when a post or giveaway is sponsored, I will always note that in the actual post. I do not blog about everything I receive, but when I do my opinions are always my own.

I don’t sell the MIH list of names or subscribers, e-mail or physical addresses for newsletters or anything else. I hate spam and I’m not going to send any your way, either.

AMAZON DISCLOSURE: The owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to,,,,, or

GIVEAWAYS: I do host giveaways on my blog and podcast from time to time. Again, I will not do a giveaway on a product I have not personally used. When I write my review of a product, I will be honest in my evaluation of the product. Sometimes a company sends me something in hopes I’d like it and endorse it and gives me an opportunity to give one away to a reader/listener, too. Other times, I like a product I’ve personally purchased so much that I’d like to give one away to a reader, too.

DON’T TAKE MY STUFF, AKA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: All content including photos, audio recordings, and written content are the property of Heather Brooker unless otherwise noted. Please do not copy without permission.