In case you missed it on my Instagram (how dare you) I just announced that I’m speaking and hosting a special workshop at the Girl Up Leadership Summit July 13-15!


I’ll be in the same line up of speakers as former First Lady Michelle Obama, Duchess Meghan Markle and former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. There are dozens of activists and changemakers from all over the world  who are also speaking at this virtual event.

I just found out that more than 38,000 people have signed up to attend from 172 countries. Of course not all of them will be in my workshop. But I’m hoping a large number of them will be!

The amazing team at Always asked me to host their workshop to help dispel the stigma around menstruation and periods. Always has been supporting girls through puberty for more than 35 years and this is a topic that they are passionate about.

My mom was always very open with me about the changes my body would go through when I was growing up. She was a nurse and made sure I knew the correct terms for all my body parts and what was happening to them as I went through puberty. I also knew way more than I wanted to about STD’s and pregnancy but we can save that for another post.

I’ve carried that confidence in my body my entire life. No matter what size I get, or how I feel any given day, I have always felt empowered knowing what my body can do. And it’s also something I’ve always planned to be open and honest with Channing about as she grows up. I think it’s important for her to know what her body is going to change, what that means and what the proper terms are for that change.

Empower girls is what Girl Up is all about. This organization encourages girls to seek out equality  and fight for their voice to be heard. Go girls! And I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of what they are doing and partner with Always at the same time.

Plus, how stinkin cool is it that I’m even in the same line up as these amazing women!  I’ll share highlights from the virtual event so make sure you follow me on social!