One thing I’ve learned since starting MIH is that no two mom stories are the same. There are similarities that bind us together but everyone’s reaction, situation, and takeaway are different. I had the pleasure of talking to Angelique Cabral from CBS’s Life in Pieces about her new baby and all of the delights and challenges that come with it.

Cabral is a native of Hawaii and I was immediately drawn to her fun, tell-it-like-it-is personality. During my stalking, er, research, I saw that we have almost identical post birth pictures, thumbs up and everything. She gets me! Her baby girl, Adelaide, is now 3 months old. And quite incredibly, she is already back to work.

In fact she went back to work on her hit TV show just 3 weeks after giving birth via c-section. And it wasn’t an easy thing to do. She is very open about the challenges and pressure she put on herself to get back to work. Working in Hollywood, in any capacity, you tend to feel like you have to work again right away or you might miss out on a job or lose the job you have. Cabral says the producers on her show were very supportive and didn’t pressure her at all but she felt a desire to get back to work right away.

One of the things that’s helped her the most is having a night nurse and nanny. I had never heard of a night nurse until after Chan was about a year old and I thought, wow that would be amazing. But Cabral is quick to point out that while it’s extremely helpful to get rest at night, she feels a tremendous amount of guilt about missing those nighttime feedings and moments. We’ve all experienced mom guilt at some point and sometimes it feels like you can’t win.

Guilt if you back to work. Guilt if you stay home. Guilt if you stay home but want to go back to work. I say enough of that! Let’s all just agree that no matter what circumstances life sends our way we will do what’s best for our families and stop letting guilt rob us of joy in the moment. I think you will love what Angelique has to say about how she navigates her career and motherhood and hopefully be inspired by her honestly as I was.

To listen to the full interview, subscribe and download this episode on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. And make sure you keep up with Angelique on her Twitter @AngeliqueCabral and on Insta @AngeliqueCabral. And tune into watch Life in Pieces on CBS on Thursdays 9:30/8:30c.