When you think of Christmas morning, what comes to mind? The rush of opening gifts? The music playing in the background? The squeals of delight from those you’ve given the perfect gift to? For me it’s the smell of cinnamon as our favorite homemade cinnamon rolls bake in the oven.

I am a cinnamon roll addict! It’s one of my favorite pastries and my homemade cinnamon roll recipe is one you have to try for yourself. The best part is that I can easily replace the milk with a2 Milk®. If you haven’t heard about this wonderful alternative then listen up!

As I get older, I find I can’t tolerate milk by itself or in my recipes as easily as I used to. It upsets my tum tum! But thankfully, I found a2 Milk®. It’s the perfect option to add to my recipes.

What is a2 Milk®? There are 2 main types of beta-casein protein, A1 and A2.  a2 Milk® is 100% real milk that comes from cows that naturally produce only the A2 protein and not A1. Published research suggests that a2 Milk® may help some people avoid discomfort and may be easier on digestion in some people.

So how do they get cows with just the A2 protein? According to their website, a2milk.com:

“a2 Milk® is a naturally occurring cows’ milk and we don’t do anything to the cows to get A1 free milk. We test the cows and select cows that naturally produce only the A2 protein type and no A1. It is genetics like having brown eyes versus blue eyes.”

Now that you know what a2 Milk® is, here’s how you can use it in my Homemade Cinnamon Rolls recipe or any recipe you use that calls for milk.  

  • Servings: 12
  • Preparation Time: 2 hours 
  • Cooking Time: 20-25 minutes



  • a2 Milk®
  • Margarine
  • Sugar
  • Eggs
  • Bread Flour
  • Salt
  • Active Yeast
  • Dark Brown Sugar
  • Cinnamon

For the dough:

  • ¾ cup warm a2 Milk®  (whole milk or 2% preferred) 
  • 2 ¼ teaspoons quick rise or active yeast (1/4-ounce package yeast)
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • 1 egg plus 1 egg yolk, at room temperature
  • ¼ cup unsalted butter or substitute margarine for an A1 free option
  • 3 cups bread flour, plus more for dusting
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt

For the filling:

  • 2/3 cup dark brown sugar 
  • 1 ½ tablespoons ground cinnamon
  • ¼ cup unsalted margarine, softened

For the icing

  • 1/2 cup margarine
  • 3 cups powdered sugar
  • 1-2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 1/2 tbsp a2 Milk®


  1. Warm your milk for about 30 seconds in the microwave. Pour it into your electric stand mixer, then slowly sprinkle yeast on top. Add in sugar, egg, egg yolk and melted margarine. Mix until well combined. Next stir in flour and salt with a wooden spoon until a dough begins to form.
  2. Replace your batter mixer with a dough hook and mix for 6 minutes until the dough is firm but not hard. Roll the dough into a ball and place it in a bowl. Cover and let it set until the dough doubles in size. This usually takes about 2 hours.
  3. While the dough is rising, combine all the filling ingredients into a small bowl and mix well.
  4. Line your pan with parchment paper and spray with non-stick spray. Transfer the dough to a surface with light flour, and roll it out into a 9×14 inch rectangle. Spread softened margarine over dough by hand, then rub the filling mixture into the dough. 
  5. From the wide side of your dough, start tightly rolling it up so that it forms a long cylindrical shape. Then cut off the lumpy ends and set aside (or bake if you like!). Then cut the dough into 1 inch thick rounds, and place in your baking dish. Bake on 350 for about 18-20 minutes.
  6. While they are baking, start making the frosting. Cream the softened butter and slowly add in your dry, then wet ingredients, alternating between the two until the powdered sugar is all gone. Your icing should have a smooth, viscous consistency, not like cake icing. 
  7. Then use this creamy goodness to cover your homemade cinnamon rolls and you’re off to the races! You can also freeze the dough if you’d like and make them another day. Or refrigerate it overnight to pop in the oven the next morning. And don’t forget to add your favorite fruit for an extra special touch.


I hope you’ll try this delicious treat with a2 Milk® and it fills your home with the yummy smells of the holidays. Click here to get .75c off your order of a2 Milk®!

*Disclaimer: I was compensated or given free product in exchange for my honest review of this product. For more information, please visit my disclaimer page.