I want to take a moment to remember the people who died in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 and the families who still feel the pain of their loss. We honor the heroes who ran towards danger to save lives. We’re thinking of the parents who went to work and never came home. The wives, husbands, sisters, mothers, fathers, friends and grandparents who lost a loved one. Our family grieves with you and prays for your peace.

Chris and I across from the Twin Towers in May, 2001.
This photo was taken in Brooklyn Park across from the Twin Towers just a few months before 9/11. We were on our honeymoon. Chris had never been to NYC before and I couldn’t wait to take him to Broadway, Washington Square Park (to play chess!), and so many of the beautiful museums, delicious restaurants and exciting things NYC had to offer. I have always loved New York. There is no other place like it.
I was a reporter in Tulsa on 9/11 and like millions of people, I watched the story unfold, in shock and disbelief. Feeling helpless and angry. I was so far away from the actual events in NY and at the Pentagon but I still had to find a way to do my job and tell the story. And as much as the narrative about journalist has been pushed to make it seem like journalists are callous and don’t care about people, it’s impossible to cover some stories without being effected. I worked for 12 hours, then went home and cried. I cried for those families and for our country.
It was amazing to watch our country come together after 9/11. Everyone was donating blood, money and goods to help in anyway they could. I don’t think we’ve been as united since. And I hope it doesn’t take another event like this to bring us together again.
Tomorrow will mark 20 years since 9/11. And I want to encourage you to please take a moment to pause and remember those families and the heroes who sacrificed so much. Do you remember where you were on Sept. 11th, 2001?