I’ve known Teresa Reilly (“Parks and Rec.”) for almost 10 years. We did a small indie play together called Slumpbuster and to a lackluster crowd of about 10 people a night for 6 weeks (I think?). We’ve stayed in touched thanks to social media, but I noticed a prolonged absence on her end. She practically disappeared. I assumed, like most millennials that she was just taking a social media break. After all, constantly posting online can wear you out.

But in reality, Teresa had an accident at the gym and suffered a traumatic brain injury that devastated her world. She had to relearn some motor skills and overcome memory issues. When she describes what she went through, all I can think is how strong she is. I don’t know that I would have had the strength to pull myself together. But she did. And now she and her husband are expecting their first child, due any day now.

She says she spent the last several years focusing on her health. As actors we can have a one-track mind that only looks for the next big audition, acting classes or finding representation. And we can neglect other areas of our lives. Teresa says this accident was a wake up call for her to slow down, and put her health first. She took a break from acting to focus on starting a family and it wasn’t easy. Most actors are so driven, that “making it” is all we can think of. So to be forced to take a step back is sometimes the only way we can see life’s bigger picture.

We also talk about the state of theater in LA. Are people still going to see shows (other than improv)? Are actors able to dedicated 6 night a week to a show that may only be seen by a dozen people? That’s the heartbreaking reality of non-equity theater in LA. We spent so much time preparing for our show and, while there were some great audiences, most of the time the house was less than full. So is it worth it?  For actors who just want to act, the answer is always yes.

I’m so grateful that Teresa Reilly shared her story with me. And I can’t wait for her to meet her new baby (which I hope she names Heather!). You can follow this inspiring mama on her new journey on her Instagram @teresaclaire.