Are you comfortable talking about sex? Or would you rather just do the deed and not say a word about it? Or maybe you’re somewhere in between? Well in this episode we are going to talk about it. Sex therapist and counselor Nancy Houston joins me to help us get over the hump (pun intended) of sexual hang-ups and start having a healthy sexual relationship.

My mom was very open (and still is) about sex when I was growing up. She never shied away from empowering me to talk about my body parts with their clinical names, not nicknames. She was very open about the risks of having sex as well. I was given a healthy sex education at home before I ever set foot in a sex ed class. Some people might think this is weird or unconventional but to my moms credit, it’s given me an incredibly healthy perspective on sex and according to Houston, is probably the reason why I have a healthy sex life with my husband. Thanks mom! (But you can stop talking about it now.)

In her new book Love and Sex, Houston brings her experience as a sex therapist and licensed professional counselor with fresh insight and real-life examples to teach the truth about sex. She says she hopes to provide a compassionate view of human sexuality—not a black-or-white, right-or-wrong lecture, but a safe forum for discovering, processing, and growing—and unpacks the good God intended when He created humans as sexual beings.

In this episode we talk about how what we learn “on the streets” can impact our sexual health through life. And why it’s important for parents to empower their kids with healthy conversations about sex and sexuality at a young age. That goes for girls AND boys. We also talk about how unfair it is that men are supposed to be sexual savants in the bedroom from day one, while women feel shame if they take ownership over their bodies.

We go much deeper into these topics and more in this episode and you can learn more about Houston’s tips for your love and sex life in her book. Love and Sex is available now online and in stores.