I have a slight obsession with the Salton Sea area. There’s something so fascinating to me about this area that was once the playground for the rich and famous and is now in ruins. Through a series of ecological disasters and land mismanagement, this part of the Coachella Valley is desolate, and facing another ecological crisis. The Salton Sea is drying up and the toxic dust that’s left behind will leave a devastating impact on the surrounding communities, even reaching as far as Los Angeles and San Diego.

Channing and I visited the Salton Sea in July 2020
This impending disaster and the history of the area is explored in a new documentary called “Miracle in the Desert: The Rise and Fall of the Salton Sea.” I spoke with writer/director Greg Bassinian who tells me why he wanted to tell this story and raise awareness for what’s happening in this community. And before you write it off as a Southern California problem, the documentary explains how the impact is as far reaching as the federal government.

“Miracle in the Desert: The Rise and Fall of the Salton Sea” documentary is available now.
You can read more about it on NBCLA and I highly encourage you to watch this film. It’s a heartbreaking look at time gone by, and peek into a very costly ecological disaster that’s looming over the state of California. The film is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, and YouTube. Go to miracleinthedesert.com for more information and a list of places you can watch.