Have you ever watched a game show and thought, I could be on that show! Or seen Little Big Shots and wondered where they found such incredible kids? My guest this week is Raphael Dorval who works in casting for reality shows, game shows and some of the hottest talent shows on TV. And he has some advice for parents who want to get their kids noticed.

Raphael says parents who think their kids are talented and want to catch the eye of a show like Ellen or America’s Got Talent need to just start filming their kids doing the cool thing they do. It’s that simple. He says too many parents think they need to have perfect lighting or big production value before they get their kids on tape but realistically you don’t need much. Just start filming your tiny dancer, brilliant gymnast or terrific tap dancer and you’re already ahead of the game.

He also suggests parents get involved in Facebook groups for child actors or talented kids. Casting directors are always looking in those groups and places like YouTube and Instagram for the next big star. In this episode, Raphael reveals exactly where he finds talented kids and what they need to get started in showing off their talent. You can also join the private Motherhood in Hollywood Facebook group where I post casting notices from time to time.

We also talked about the snobbery that comes with game show casting. He talks about the assumptions people make when it comes to game shows. But who hasn’t day dreamed about being on The Price Is Right? I’ve tried twice to be on that show and never made it. He points out that being on game shows are an easy, fun way to make a little money.

He knows some people worry about the stigma it could ruin future career opportunities or that Hollywood won’t take you seriously if you’ve been a contestant on a game show. But look at people like Aaron Paul and John Hamm who were on game shows and went on to have very successful careers.

Bottom line, getting cast on a talent show or game show could be a fun way for your family to make money to help pay for acting supplies like headshots and classes. So why not give it a try? Raphael and his team are always looking for new talent and interesting contestants. To apply to be on shows like LET’S MAKE A DEAL, THE PRICE IS RIGHT, FAMILY FEUD, MATCH GAME, or TO TELL THE TRUTH visit Fremantlecasting.com and fill out the online application.

Or if you think you have a talented kid, film their talent and send it to Raphaeldorvalcasting@gmail.com. Then if you hit it big remember who sent ya!  Make sure you follow Raphael on Instagram at @RaphaelDorval and break legs breaking into the biz!