Yes, you read that right. Deadpool 2. A family movie? It’s more like family themes than great for little Timmy and here’s what I mean.

The first Deadpool movie raked in almost $800 million worldwide. That, coupled with insane fan popularity made a sequel inevitable. Almost right after opening weekend, we knew we’d be seeing more from the Merc with a Mouth. Hell, Ryan Reynolds teased as much in the post credits scene in the first movie.

I had so much fun with the first movie, I couldn’t wait to jump back into that world.

Without getting too spoilery, Deadpool 2 drops us off back into that world head first. All the original characters are back with some welcome new additions. Josh Brolin adds a welcome presence as Cable, a world-weary time traveler whose overall gravitas plays well against Deadpool’s meta snark. And Zazie Beets as Domino is my new badass girl crush. (wife inserts side eye here) Domino and the rest of the newly minted X-Force are a treat to watch, and I am definitely curious to see how they will be developed in the inevitable spin-off.

All I ask is that they bring Peter (Rob Delaney) back for the ride. Yes!

I’m not going to go too much into plot. Because, who cares about that really? The “plot” is just a big ol’ McGuffin to get us through the fourth-wall breaking, self-referential, meta snark that fans have come to love about this franchise. Nothing is left off the table here as Reynolds jabs at the X-Men, the DCEU, the Avengers, Green Lantern and most anything in pop culture that he can skewer, including himself. He seems to have a particular fixation with Wolverine, which never gets old.

There are too many cameos to count and they are everything you hope they will be.

With the sequel, we get all of the above. However, as the first movie dealt with love and loss (of limbs, at one point), this one has an unexpectedly strong family undercurrent running throughout. It never gets sappy, though. The writers have successfully balanced the familial themes with the humor and violence (the sweet, sweet violence) in the movie.

Chris Brooker hanging with Deadpool at a screening of Deadpool 2

Basically, Deadpool 2 is a triple threat: Family, Fun and lots of fucks for everyone. Clearly I enjoyed myself at the screening and you will too.  Deadpool 2 opens nationwide May 18th and is not suitable for kids.