Click it. You know you want to.

Click it. You know you want to.

It’s pretty hard to maintain a blog without content.  Which is why it’s so frustrating that I can’t seem to get it up when it comes to writing for my blog. I have so many ideas swirling around in my head. And having access to a computer immediately gives me license to talk about whatever I want on the internet. That’s how it works right?  In today’s content-driven world you have to get creative if you want people to read your blog. Grab their attention. It’s what’s driving social media.  “10 ways to get pregnant NOW!” “3 reasons you need to DUMP him YESTERDAY” “You won’t believe what this puppy does when he finds out he finally has a new home and isn’t going to be MURDERED in a HERPES-RIDDEN shelter!” All good. All make me want to click away. But will people want to read yet another blog post about potty training? Cause that is what’s taking over my world right now and I need to vent about it. So, much pee and poo it’s like a sewage factory up in here. Okay, that was dramatic. It’s more like a “don’t go barefoot in the bathroom” situation but that’s it.

I believe the term is “clickbait”. And I’ve spent more than a few nights going down the rabbit hole of these addictive sites. And yet I’m never really satisfied after reading them. I mean, the story about the woman in South Korea who was eating some squid and the fucking thing injected sperm in her tongue was totally worth the read. It still haunts me at sushi time. But I’m not sure it lead to a greater understanding of my world or made me a better person in some way. Nor was it supposed to. (I can’t believe I just used the word ‘nor’.)  It was just some mindless reading that grossed me out for a bit. Is that okay?

Should we be learning something from everything we read on the internet? 

What are we gaining from these clickable-blogs and websites? Fun times? Re-postablility? The knowleadge that we live in a world that likes lists? Thank you Buzzfeed for nailing that one.  As you can see this particular post isn’t a list.  But I might come up with some fun ones in the future and try to create my own “clickbait” and see how many suckers fall for it.  I mean, lovely content appreciating readers. (That’s you!) For now, it’s late. I’ve had some champagne. It’s rabbit hole time! (Okay, that sounds dirtier than I intended.)