If you’ve been paying attention you’ll notice that I talk a lot about food and exercise. I’m definitely not a fitness mom, or healthy mom by any means. But I have crazy respect for my mom friends who are into that. Like my good friend Lynn Bettencourt who is a Beachbody Coach, and recipe specialist for Hungry Girl.



Lynn and I have been friends for a long time and have some amazing stories to tell about giving movie studio tours, parties, and cowboys.  We are both mamas now so some of those things are in the past. I’ll let you decide which ones.


I talked to her this week because health has been on my mind a lot lately. And when you talk about getting healthy, someone always says “have you tried Beachbody”. My response is always, yes. I tried it years ago with Chris when we first moved to LA. Chris thrived on their program. I cheated and ate cheeseburgers between shakes.


Now as we get older we’re both looking for ways to get healthy but it’s not as easy as it was. Life gets in the way. Excuses run rampant, etc.


In this episode, Lynn explains why she was drawn to mega workout and supplement provider Beachbody and how she manages to eat healthy and get in workouts with her Irish twins, Emerson and Crosby. She’s a full time mama of two and she still makes great meals and works out.

I have no excuse.

Here’s some tips Lynn gives to help get your diet on track:

  • Swap out low calorie items when you can. Low calorie versions of your favorite meals might not sound easy, but with a little experimentation you can find just the right recipe.
  • Priorities your workouts. If your child’s doctor say your kid needed to exercise to stay healthy, you would  make sure that happened right? So why would you treat yourself any differently. This is something I need to remind myself constantly.
  • Join a support group. Lynn says whether you join her Beachbody coaching group or not, it’s good to have a supportive group with like-minded goals to keep you on track.


Want to know more about working with Lynn as your Beachbody coach?  Check out her Facebook page and Instagram page.  You can also try some of her delicious creations on the Hungry Girl website.