So many times I think, I wish there was four of me! Luckily the ladies from Moms on the Clock had the bright idea to partner up and combine their talents to share with the world. I can’t wait for you to meet Ashley, Steff, Brooke and Beth – the moms from Moms on the Clock!

Each mom has their own specialty from fashion to food. And they share their talents on their website, Youtube channel and Instagram. I wanted to talk with these mamas about how they found each other, but more importantly how they navigate friendship in today’s world. I feel like women have so much more pressure now than ever before to look, sound, perform and BE a certain way. Is it any wonder how any of us make friends…and keep them? Social media adds pressure for us all to seem perfect, swing the other way and be a hot mess. Is there an in between? That’s where I am. And that’s where the Moms on the Clock live.

They share open, honest posts about their lives as moms and friends with very useful content.  Listen to this episode and you’ll love these mamas and want to follow along as they navigate motherhood together. You can find out more information at and follow them on Instagram at @momsontheclock.