Lisa Henson is no stranger to creating shows kids love. But despite her father’s huge name and company, she didn’t start out in children’s programming. She started making movies at Columbia and Warner Brothers and after decades of working in mainstream adult content, found herself back home at The Henson Company.

Lisa is the CEO and President of The Henson Company and works alongside her brother Brian who is the Chairman. They produce new shows like Dot,Splash and Bubbles, Sid The Science Kid and a new show Fraggle Rock fans will love called Doozers. Remember those loveable green guys that were always working hard to build things, right as the Fraggles destroyed them.

Well the Doozers are back and building up a storm. The new CG animated series for preschoolers incorporates  STEAM lessons – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics – while also having fun.

The animated preschool series Doozers focuses on four Doozers kids, a team of best friends who live in Doozer Creek, a community that is a wonderful blending of the fantastical, modern, and eco-friendly.

Henson tells me that one of their main goals with children’s programming is to incorporate teaching moments whether its’ STEAM lessons like in Doozers, or digital responsibility like their show Dot from author Randi Zuckerberg.

In fact, The Henson Company has been creating a lot of things that kids love. There’s been no shortage of ideas and Lisa has been executive producer of all of them. She shares with me that although they love their new shows, they also pay close attention to what she calls their “legacy” shows and how they create content around those.

One of my favorite shows grown up was Fraggle Rock. And I was thrilled to find out there is a Fraggle Rock movie in the works! It will star Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Lisa also shares with me what it was like as a busy movie executive while balancing motherhood. She felt like because she waited later in life to have kids, she had established her career and could make more time for the kind of needs that come along with kids. And of course we also talked about her father’s legacy, what kind of puppets she played with as a kid and where she sees The Henson Company going in the future.

Lisa Henson with her father Jim Henson. Courtesy @The Jim Henson Company

She also shared with me what show she has the most affinity for because it was her idea, and her father made it for her. What a legacy indeed.

Watch for the new season of Dooers on May 25th on Hulu. Executive Produced by Lisa Henson

Make sure you check out the Henson Family Hub to keep up with all their new shows and ways to interact with The Henson Company. And follow them on Instagram @hensonfamilyhub. And watch the new season of Doozers May 25th on Hulu!