The entire entertainment industry has come to a grinding halt. There are a few movies and TV shows that were wrapped before the coronavirus pandemic hit that are still rolling out with PR, but for the most part there’s nothing new happening. Yet. But you can bet when it does, I’ll be ready. I’ve been spending some of my spare time doing self-tapes, general auditions and reading books about acting.

I’m also soaking up any tidbits of information casting directors are sharing right now like my guest this week, Lindsey Weissmueller. We recorded this interview before the shut down but the helpful information will last far beyond what’s going on right now. My hope is that this is helpful to you and gets your mind working toward how you can jump back into acting once things get going again.

I first met Lindsey when I auditioned for “Adam Ruins Everything.” It was a small part but that didn’t matter. Lindsey took the time to chat with me, get to know me, and let me play a little bit with my role. What a dream! As actors we are often called into rooms where we have just a few lines to deliver. I’ve been in and out of some rooms in less than 20 seconds. It’s so disheartening, especially when you rehearse, get all dressed up, get a sitter, drive across town, and risk a parking ticket just to be seen for 20 seconds. It really means a lot when casting directors take the time to get to know you and let you try your role a few different ways.

Lindsey is a mom of 2 boys and has a little girl on the way. She talks about how she juggles the demands of casting with motherhood and how it’s changed her perspective on her career.

I say that knowing they can’t always do that. Casting directors are under tremendous deadlines and pressure with the producers to get roles cast, that may film the next day or even that same day. It’s a very fast paced business and you have to be ready no matter what happens when you walk in that door. I hope you find comfort in this interview with Lindsey and it inspires you to stay on top of your craft so you’ll be ready for whatever comes your way when this mess is over. Make sure you follow Lindsey on Instagram to see her beautiful family and the occasional post about the industry!